JustIN Mobile

SALTO’s JustIN technology offers the advantage of integrating smartphone functionality into the access control system.

Users will be able to receive the digital key at any time and wherever they are, meaning that credentials are sent and received with unprecedented flexibility. The ProAccess SPACE management software sends the digital key to the JustIN mobile application installed on the smartphone. The user receives a message informing him of the delivery of a new digital key, also specifying which door will be accessible with the credentials.

To access a door, simply place the smartphone in front of the hardware and start communication via the JustIN mobile application. JustIN uses the Bluetooth (BLE) interface, integrated in all smartphones, or Near Field Communication (NFC) technology, for communication with electronic front plates and wall readers.


  • Aktualisierung von Zutrittsrechten, Sperren von Karten und Update von Blacklists in Echtzeit
  • Funktioniert mit iOS und Android Smartphones
  • Keine Speicherung von Daten in der Cloud, die nur als Übermittler dient
  • JustIN Mobile kann parallel zu oder auch als Ersatz von RFID-Identmedien genutzt werden
Justin Mobile

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